How to keep createdAt and updatedAt dates consistent in Nuxt Content

How to keep createdAt and updatedAt dates consistent in Nuxt Content

Here, we'll see a quick way to get our Nuxt Content date values working right in both development and production

  • Nuxt 2
  • Nuxt Content v1
  • Vue
  • nuxt-content-git
  • Blog Features
Miracle Onyenma
Miracle Onyenma
4 min read

Using the the Nuxt Content Module is a great way to build blogs and documentation sites with Nuxt. It works as a "Git-based Headless CMS" and comes with a tons of features to manage content using markdown, XML, JSON and CSV files.

One of these features is the createdAt and updatedAt time stamp that Nuxt Content assigns to each content. This data is gotten from the file on the machine and so it can have a different values locally and in production, on a server.

To fix this, we need to provide a consistent date value to our content and use that data instead. We'll be using nuxt-content-git, a module by @dword-design. It is an additional module for @nuxt/content that replaces or adds createdAt and updatedAt dates based on the git history.

I'll assume that you've installed and setup Nuxt and Nuxt Content already. If you haven't, I have an article on that, check it out here

Installing The Module


npm install nuxt-content-git

Configure in nuxt.config.js

After installation, add the following to modules in your nuxt.config.js file just before '@nuxt/content'.

// nuxt.config.js

export default {

    modules: [

      ['nuxt-content-git', {
        createdAtName : 'gitCreatedAt',
        updatedAtName : 'gitUpdatedAt',


This would create new properties 'gitCreatedAt' and 'gitUpdatedAt' and insert it into the $content without overwriting createdAt and updatedAt.

If you intend to overwrite the values with the ones provided by the nuxt-content-git module, you only have to add the module without any extra configs.

// nuxt.config.js

export default {

  modules: [



Now the createdAt and updatedAt date values will be replaced with dates based on git history.

Using The Property Within Your Nuxt App

All you have to do is fetch the $content and it becomes available in the assigned object

<!-- pages/_slug.vue -->
    <article class="article">
      <!-- Custom injected variables - 'title' & 'description'  specified within the The YAML front matter goes here  -->
        <h1>{{ article.title }}</h1>
        <p>{{ article.description }}</p>

        <!-- container for article details -->
        <div class="details-cont">
          <!-- the format date function converts the default date to a readable form -->
          <span>Posted: {{ formatDate(article.gitCreatedAt) }}</span>
          <span>Updated: {{ formatDate(article.gitUpdatedAt) }}</span>

      <!-- this is where we will render the article contents -->
      <nuxt-content :document="article" />

  export default {
    async asyncData({ $content, params }) {
      const article = await $content('articles', params.slug).fetch()
      return { article }


    methods: {
      formatDate(date) {
        // format the date to be displayed in a readable format
        return new Date(date).toLocaleDateString('en', {
          year: 'numeric',
          month: 'long',
          day: 'numeric',


Here, in asyncData(), we fetched the article file that matched the slug defined in params.slug and assigned it to article. We now have access to all properties of that article including the new gitCreatedAt and gitUpdatedAt assuming we did not overwrite the values. Else, we'll just keep using createdAt and updatedAt since the values are now based on git history.


In order to keep our date values consistent in Nuxt Content, we can install and configure a package nuxt-content-git, which adds or replaces the createdAt and updatedAt dates with values based on git history. This way, it'll be consistent in both development and production.

Further Reading

Thanks for reading ✨